SKOPOS meets GOR 2014 – New Enabling of Advertising Research

Wir freuen uns, auch in 2014 wieder einen Vortrag im Rahmen der GOR zu halten. Denn seit der Gründung ist SKOPOS einer der Vorreiter, wenn es um die Weiterentwicklung von Online-Marktforschungsmethoden geht. Gemeinsam mit unserem Kunden Deutsche Telekom AG haben wir die Methoden Facial Coding und Real Time Measurement Online gegenübergestellt. Mit verblüffenden Ergebnissen, die wir am 6. März in Köln auf der GOR präsentieren. Worum es geht, lesen Sie in der offiziellen Amtssprache der GOR:

New Enabling of Advertising Research Using Facial Coding and Real Time Response Measurement Online

When advertising research is dealing with TV commercials it is important to understand the drivers and drawbacks of a spot: Namely analyzing individual scenes of the spot to identify specific needs for optimization. Traditional research therefore divides the spot into single sequences which then get rated explicitly. Alternatively respondents are asked to rate the spot permanently while perceiving it visually (real time response measurement, RTRM) to express positive or negative emotions. Those approaches have a rather cognitive appraisal. But the effects of advertising are processed implicitely. Emotions play an important role in information processing, regulate which information is perceived, and how it is stored in long-term memory. That’s why different methods of implicit measurement are taken into consideration, e.g. automated facial coding (AFC). AFC decodes facial expressions into a set of predefined basic emotions using a computer algorithm. As a result one derives a detailed measure of the emotions induced and a combined measure of emotional lift over time.

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